
The Computer is in Your DNA


I often think that post-singularity, computers will become a part of the human body on a completely fundamental level.  Computing systems that can integrate completely with the bits and pieces of us will be commonplace.  Effectively turning everyone into an entire network worth of computing activity.

Well, leave it to Japan to take the first steps towards this reality:  

The researchers involved see the technology they are pioneering as a way to create low-energy computers with fake DNA strands and enzymes.  But what if we were to harness the computational power of our very real DNA to run applications in wetware?  A million thoughts for the potential here come to mind.  Certainly it's not a wholly novel idea, but it does bear some consideration.

- N


The Singularity's Garden


These "plants" by a Korean roboticist and installation artist are almost certainly something you'd expect to find in a technologically transcendent future, no? Choe U Ram has created walls of "vines" that respond to human presence by manipulating the air, gorgeous flowers that communicate with one another with LEDs other intricate creations that seem to exist as artifacts from a future where organic and electronic have merged.

I'm most reminded of the purpose built organisms that clean the air and seas in The Diamond Age like the trees near Source Victoria and the Smart Coral. Creations of a world full of nanotech, those. I'm also put in mind of the Raman biots created by Clarke in Rendezvous with Rama - a whole biosphere synthesized from organic building blocks to carry out exploration and maintenance tasks for an arguably living spaceship.

Sorry...tangents. Make sure to watch Choe's video portfolio clips. Stunning, no?

- N


I knew Dresden Codak was a good link...


I know it's a bit literal for envisioning what the singularity might actually look like, but Aaron Diaz cuts RIGHT to the point in this (what's becoming monthly) installment of Dresden Codak. Do take a look.

- N